This past April 23rd in the town of Garcia Moreno an Assembly organized by Ascendant Copper Corporation’s CODEGAM, an organization created by the company and supposedly for community development council, took some rather outrageous and aggressive resolutions.
Included in the resolutions are direct attacks on DECOIN, and me personally, the Mayor of Cotacachi, three other foreigners, and two local community activists known for the anti-mining position. The resolution goes on to support the creation of a new county (municipal government), openly supports the mining company and activities (asking the company to continue it’s environmental impact studies), and warns me to stop my smear campaign against Genearl Villacis (!!). In fact, the participants (many not even living in our County) call for deportation of the four foreigners (we are all identified by name).
Here’s the address for their web page
Needles to say, not a single president from communities near to the mining area signed the resolution, and only one of 7 parish presidents did so. We have reports that the miners brought people from Pichincha, a province adjacent to Imbabura, and from communities very far away from the mining area. In other words, the resistance continues almost unchanged.
It is, in summary, one more outrageous attempt by the company to squash the opposition.
In the meantime, the aggressive tactics by the company, CODEGAM and their followers continue. This past Saturday 30th April, roads were closed in three places by these followers to stop several communities and DECOIN from attending a meeting in Junín by communities affected by mining. Jose Serrano, the lawyer for the communities was nearly beaten in Garcia Moreno when he was identified as the “community’s lawyer”. We all met the day after in Apuela, and decided to step up the struggle, which continues to gain support from all sectors of this society.
It would be good for you all to organize a protest letter to Ascendant, who are the ones really behind all this nasty, and increasingly dangerous campaign aimed at neutralizing the opposition. The xenophobic tone is scary. A letter in support of the Mayor, DECOIN and the people being attacked would also be very positive.
The people to write are below. For more details on the addresses scroll down
Paul Grist
Ascendant Exploration
Personal email address:
Chris Werner
Ascendant Holdings, Ltd.
Gary Davis Ascendant Copper’s Director and CEO
Ascendant Copper Corporation incorporated in British Columbia in May 2004. The companys office is located at 999 West Hastings Street, Suite 1040, Vancouver, BC V6C 2W2. The company’s website is Ascendant Copper’s Director and CEO is Gary Davis. According to the companys website, Mr. Davis can be reached at:
Gary Davis:
10920 W. Alameda Avenue, Suite 205
Lakewood, Colorado, 80226
United States
Phone: (303) 292-1299
Fax: (303) 297-0538
Ascendant Holdings, Ascendant Exploration and Ascendant Copper have the same business address in Ecuador:
N34-183 Republica Del Salvador Avenue, Suite 301
Quito, Ecuador
Phone: 593-22-447-363 or 593-22-452-900
Ascendant Exploration
Contact Paul Grist
Phone: 593-22-447-363
Republica Del Salvador Y Portugal
Quito, Ecuador
Ascendant Holdings, Ltd.
Contact Christopher Werner
Phone: 920-803-9910
P.O. BOX 216 Kohler, WI 53044