Month: September 2006

Imbabura Gov’ NO TO MINING

One More Nail In Ascendant’s Coffin: 28 Septembre 2006 Provincial Government Says NO to Mining ‘The [Imbabura] Provincial Government yeterday resolved to ask the Ministry of Energy and Mines to suspend exploration of the mining project granted by the State to the Canadian mining company, ‘Ascendant Copper’, in the Junin community’. These are the title […]

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libres!! They are FREE!! *

22 September(ESPAÑOL ABAJO)Just a quick note to let you all know that, after 8 days of illegal arrest, our two colleagues were set free yesterday by the judge without any bail, and only with light conditions. It was what we expected from a just judge. The two are now back in Intag with their families, […]

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UPDATE18 Septiembre- Actualizaciones –Liberan Empleados/ Employees to be set free

Ascendant’s Latest Batch of Lies and,DAYS OF RAGE IN INTAG Sept 18 In today’s Ascendant ridiculous news release titled: “Eco-Terrorism Activity Disrupts but Will Not Halt Ascendant Copper Corporation’s Socially Responsible Efforts in the Intag Region” Mr. Davis makes the outrageous claim that “Thus far two of the kidnappers have been arrested, arraigned and in […]

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Meeting that took place after Ascendant’s employees left Junin, called to organize a permanent Community Security Plan Arrival to Junin of Luz Marina Vega, wife of Mayor Auki Tituana, accompanied by Cotacachi’s Vice Mayor, Patricia Espinosa Making do in Junin, nearly 300 persons arrived from all over Intag to support Junin, and to witness the […]

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ESCALADA DEL CONFLICTO MINERO EN INTAG14 de Septiembre ESCALADA DEL CONFLICTO MINERO EN INTAGEl 12 de septiembre, un grupo de seis personas que fueron identificadas por miembros de la comunidad de Junín como trabajadores de la empresa minera Ascendant Copper Corporation, fueron encontrados sin autorización dentro de la reserva de bosques de esta comunidad. Esta […]

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Intag Marred by Violence

Update 13 September Yesterday, September 12 a group of six persons identified as Ascendant Copper Corporation employees by Junin community members were found inside Junin’s forest reserve without authorization. First reports tell of a confrontation between the two sides, and the six alleged employees fleeing to the forest. The call went out and up to […]

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