How You Can Help

Please write to the Minister of Government and Police, Antonio Andretta A., with copies to the other people listed below, expressing your concern that questionable and unverified accusations are being used to intimidate and defame a reputable and upstanding community leader, and urging that the circumstances of both the complaint and the police raid be fully and expeditiously investigated.

Por favor escribid al Ministro de Gobierno y Policia, Antonio Andretta A., enviando copias a las otras personas mencionadas a continuacion, expresando vuestra preocupacion de que se utilicen acusaciones dudosas y no verificadas para intimidar y difamar a un reputado y destacado dirigente comunitario, y urgiendo que se investiguen completa y rapidamente las circunstancias relacionadas con la acusacion y la incursion policial.

Contact addresses: / Direcciones de contacto:

Abogado Antonio Andretta Arizaga
Ministro de Gobierno y Policia
Calle Benalcazar y Espejo
Quito – Ecuador
[email protected]
fax +593 258-0067

Gary E. Davis
President and CEO
Ascendant Copper Corporation
10920 West Alameda Avenue, Suite 201
Lakewood, CO 80226
Tel: (303) 824-0271
Fax: (303) 297-0538
e-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Claudio Muecay Arcos
Defensor del Pueblo
Av. de la Prensa N54-97 y Jorge Piedra
Quito – Ecuador
fax +593 2 330-1841
[email protected]

Ingeniero Ivan Rodriguez
Ministro de Energia y Minas
Juan Leon Mera y Av. Orellana, Ed. MOP
Quito – Ecuador
e-mail via
Fax: +593 2 290-6350

His Excellency Fernando Ribadeneira
Ambassador to Canada
Embassy of the Republic of Ecuador
50 O’Connor Street, Suite 316,
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6L2
Telephone (613) 563-8206, 4286/1-866-204-1735 (24h)
Fax (613) 235-5776
e-mail: [email protected]

Hna. Elsie Monge
Directora Ejecutiva
Comisión Ecuménica de Derechos Humanos CEDHU
Carlos Ibarra 176 y 10 de Agosto
Quito – Ecuador
fax +593 2 258-9272
e-mail: [email protected]
NEWS BULLETING on the police report at:

Christian Lapointe
Canadian Ambassador to Ecuador
Embajada de Canada
Av. 6 de Diciembre 2816 y Paul Rivet
Quito, Ecuador
P.O. Box 17-11-6512
Tel: (011 593 2) 2232-114/2506-162
Fax: (011 593 2) 2503-108
e-mail: [email protected]

Sasha Angus
Director, Enforcement Division
British Columbia Securities Commission
701 West Georgia Street
P.O. Box 10142, Pacific Centre
Vancouver, B.C. V7Y 1L2
Telephone: 604-899-6500
Fax: 604-899-6506
e-mail: [email protected]

Mary Ellen Fieweger
Periodico Intag/Intag Newspaper
Casilla 211
Otavalo, Imbabura

Silvia Quilumbango
DECOIN (Defensa y Conservacion Ecologica de Intag)
P.O. Box 144
Otavalo, Imbabura
Phone/Fax: (5936 648 593)
e-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]