Video Showing What Really Happened on July 13th

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This clip, taken at the July 13th march in Quito, shows that Carlos Zorrilla (white beard) was on the outside edge of the crowd, thus in no position to steal anything from Leslie Chaplin. Based on this incident, Ms. Chaplin filed robbery and assault charges against Carlos, and which led to the police raid on his house.

Video que demuestra lo que realmente pasó el 13. (Este clip demuestra que Carlos Zorrilla (con barba blanca) no estuvo cerca a Leslie Chaplin, lo cual hace imposible que hubiera robado o agredido a la Srta Chaplin. Sin embargo, basado en este incidente, es que la Srta Chaplin falsamente acusa a Carlos de agresión y de robo, y lo que generó el allanamiento de su hogar y la orden de arresto).