Month: March 2007

Ascendant´s Guns returned/ Total Suspension

ESpaniol abajo TRANSLATED EXTRACTS FROM TODAY´S EL NORTE NEWSPAPER See yesterday´s blog for some drastic anti-mining news coming out of Ecuador- including the reinstatement of ROYALTIES, which Reuters News Agency said could affect Ascendant Copper Translated extracts from El Norte´s ArticleGovernment Suspends Mining Exploration in Extensive Area There is no calm, and the division persists […]

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27/03- MAJOR policy Changes; ; Ascending distortion, and other news

ESPANIOL YA MISMO! See below for the Spanish version of the Reuters News article about the government announcing bringing back royalties to tax the extraction of minerals from Ecuador’s subsoil. As you can see, it specifically named Ascendant Copper and Corrientes Resources as two of the companies which would be directly affected. The article also […]

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21 March- Ascendant Signs with Government # Correa on Mining

March 21 UpdateAscendant Signs with GovernmentPresident Criticizes Mining Yesterday evening, at the office of the Governor of Imbabura Province in the city Ibarra, high-ranking police officials and representatives from Intag’s communities and Intag Parish governments, witnessed the signing of an agreement between representatives from the Ministry of Energy and Mines and Ministry of Government, and […]

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19-Mar: ** President Correa on MINING!! / More from the field

From EFE News Agency Correa aims his guns at Mining Concessions: “The mining problem is very grave, and we have areas close to a civil war”… “We have not received any benefits from mining…. “and that will have to be taken down”…. These are just some of the statements made by the President Correa […]

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****Chalguayacu Alto 17 March Update: Breakthrough

espaniol abajo Chalguayacu Bajo 17 MarchAscendant backs down Under the pressure of more than 300 Intag residents from all over Intag and all seven of the Parish Township governments, late last night Ascendant agreed to abide by the Ministry of Energy and Mine’s December 9th order for the company to cease all activities within its […]

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16 March Chalguayacu Alto

16 March (en español ya mismo- ver abajo) A governmental delegation composed of representatives from the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the Ministry of Government and CEDHU, the Quito-based human rights organization,, travelled to Chalguayacu Bajo to try and find a solution to the latest conflict in the area. The communities are insisting the government […]

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15 march, 2nd day of community occupation of Ascendant´s camp

As of this morning the communities still maintain control of Ascendant’s mining camp with all sides agreeing a peaceful resolution is the only way to resolve the conflict once and for all. The Ministry of Energy and Mines apparently have agreed to send in a special commission, which is slated to go in today or […]

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Update 14 March/ Communities take over Ascendant Camp,

14 March 2007 NEWS FLASHCommunities take over ascendant campAscendant: Back to the Drawing Board? Information is coming in slowly, but we just learned that apparently several communities around the Junin area have taken over Ascendant’s camp in Chalguayacu Bajo area, and are demanding the government makes the company comply with the STOP-WORK order issued by […]

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Washington, 2 de marzo del 2007.- Esta mañana miembros de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos recibieron los testimonios de personas afectadas en sus derechos fundamentales por las industrias petroleras y mineras. Diócles Zambrano de la Red de Líderes Comunitarios “Ángel Shingre”, detalló ante la Comisión los hechos de violencia generados por las empresas petroleras […]

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