Month: September 2007


Espaniol abajo ASCENDANT COPPER CORPORATION TO LEAVE INTAG!!FINALLY!!This morning, 25 of September, Galo Chiriboga, the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum held a news conference where it ordered Ascendant Copper Corporation complete suspension of all activities within the company`s 3 concessions in the Intag region of Ecuador due to violations to the mining law. The Ministry’s […]

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Main Indigenous Organizations Join Anti-Mining Movement

espaniol abajo Preliminary Translation SOUTHERN REGIONAL FORUM: THE NATION THAT WE DESIRE: FIRST DIALOGUE OF THE PEOPLES In the city of Loja, the day Tuesday 18 of September of the presents, by invitation of CONAIE, ECUARUNARI, CONFENIAE, the COORDINATORS OF the DEFENSE OF LIFE OF the PANGUI, LOS ENCUENTROS, YANTZAZA, a great coming together of […]

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Ascendant- Constituent Assembly to Deal with Mining Conflicts

español ABAJO ECUADOR: Constituent Assembly to Deal with Mining Conflicts By Kintto Lucas, Aug 31 (IPS) – A solution to the ongoing confrontations between mining companies and rural communities in Ecuador is likely to be left up to the constituent assembly that will begin to rewrite the country’s constitution in October. Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa […]

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