DECOIN’s gathering this past Friday (22nd Jan) at the Piscinas de Nangulví. For the report, see below. (versión en español le sigue al inglés)
On Friday, January 22, at the Pisicinas de Nangulví, DECOIN held an assembly to celebrate 15 years of work and to elect a new board.
The Assembly was an extraordinary event. In all 65 friends from about 22 communities (maybe 25) and several organizations came (we had invited 60 each with a letter). It was a time to see the main people who have been working so hard to defeat the mining project. A time to remember fifteen years! of hard work, hardship, joy, defeats, and triumphs.
People got up, about a dozen or more, and publicly thanked DECOIN, and each and everyone in the room for the work done. It was very moving, even surprising (pleasantly so). Robin’s testimony brought tears to many eyes. One of the things he pointed out was that it was because of DECOIN that other organizations were able to live and grow. Others pointed out that very few organizations live to be 15. Juan Ibarra: “if it hadn’t been from DECOIN we would have been forced off our homes and communities”. Others recalled how they became involved in the struggle. Mareano: “What we have learned is that anyone who fights to defends the environment is DECOIN”. The young (and very brave) woman president from Rio Verde stood up and told us of her admiration for what we had accomplished and the level of environmental awareness in this part of Intag, and begged us to go to her area and work in environmental education so her people could be as aware. She also asked for help in conserving the forests in her area which are being rapidly decimated, and to help her create watershed and community forests reserves.
Marcia scolded us for not inviting everyone involved in the struggle (I pointed out that it would have been not less than 400 friends!, completely beyond our budget) However, we hope to, with everyone’s help, to hold a large party celebrating 13 years of the Mitsubishi bonfire and an Intag free of mining within the next few months. You are cordially invited!!
For me, and as I told everyone, I felt joy at seeing so many familiar faces I’ve seen throughout the years all in one place. What a high! I told them that when people ask me how I can stand the day-to-day and year-after-year stress related to this work, I said, “easy, each and every one of you inspires me”. They really are inspiration.

Geovanni Paz gave a wonderful talk. He recalled the first DECOIN days, remembering the hardships, the disbelief in people about our mission, the threats, the commitment of the first members. He expressed genuine awe at the transformation manifested in the people in the room (he was in Cuba for many years starting in 1997); in their ability to publicly speak, their commitment to protecting the environment and defend their rights; their environmental awareness; their eloquence! It really blew him away. He was very motivated. One of the things we committed to right then and there was to undertake a series of leadership workshops with him, starting in March (by radio at first).
Silvia went more a little bit more into detail of our work during the past 15 years with a powerpoint presentation. We also had a time line up on the wall for even more details. But even as she was enumerating all the stuff and mischief we’ve been up to, I, jose cueva and Im sure others, remembered things that we had forgotten about. Really, it was impressive the number of things we’ve accomplished as DECOIN (i hope to soon have an summary up on our site).
Next: a couple of musical breaks- one by Ceneida, Mareano’s and Piedad’s teenage daughter from Barcelona who dedicated a special song for DECOIN. What a voice!!! Then, Alirio with his fantastic anti-mining songs (big hit, several encores), and Willy Coronel with a hearth-wrenching Atahualpa Yupanqui song.

After the music, people shared ideas of where DECOIN should go in the next couple of years: The most mentioned: more community reserves (and expand current ones)., followed by more reforestation, much more environmental education with kids but also adults (more work to prevent forest fires); more work to avoid deforestation; promote tourism more; keep supporting the transportation of high-school students; importance of supporting the solidarity store in Otavalo to sell cabuya and other products (Casa de Intag); reduction of, and training in pesticide use; leadership training; more productive alternative projects; work more in solid waste management (prevention of contamination); special request for Decoin to get more involved in the Manduriacos area; need to work more with the local media; more work on the political sphere(!). There were a few more that I can’t recall right now, but you get the idea. All of these ideas came from the community representatives. Most things we do anyway, others we’ve been wanting to do for a long time. About time then!
We finished by electing DECOIN’s new board members: Neither Silvia or I could get out of being reelected (by unanimous vote), but we added Sonja Dillmann as Secretary/Treasurer, and Armando Almeida as Vice President. Then we all elected two people from each Parroquia (4 from Garcia Moreno) to make up the expanded Board (called support groups). Including Geovanni Paz, who was chosen as Permanent Consultant, the expanded board is now composed of 21 members. I’m guessing that most of the time the central board will meet, but hope the expanded board can meet not less than 4-5 times per year. I’m also hoping that in the future the support groups will play an active role in Decoin’s work.

Then, lunch served with trout from the San Antonio community (one of the projects we supported)and Naranjilla Chicha.
A very, very special event.
Oh, one more thing. It could hardly be clearer that THERE WILL BE NO MINING IN INTAG. Not with the kind of folks that accompanied us at the Assembly. Their energy will be needed if the government goes ahead with the plans of exploring in Junin via the newly created state-owned mining company. For now it will be difficult because the company has not money, but that can quickly change. MORE ON THIS IN MY NEXT BLOG
En el complejo turístico de Nangulví, y con la participación de 65 personas de aproximadamente 23 comunidades y varias organizaciones, este viernes, 22 de enero la DECOIN llevó a cabo su asamblea para, no solo renovar la directiva, sino para celebrar 15 años de vida de la organización ambientalista.
Silvia Quilumbango, presidenta de la DECOIN, se encargó de dar la bienvenida a los y las participantes de las comunidades, algunos de los cuales iniciaron su viaje temprano en la madrugada. Christian Paz moderó el evento, el cual continuó con un recuento por Silvia Quilumbango de algunas de las actividades y logros realizados por la DECOIN. Pero el tiempo fue demasiado corto para enumerar las cientos de acciones que la organización ha realizado a favor de la conservación de los recursos naturales de la zona (ver a continuación).
La asamblea estuvo contagiada de emoción y alegría. Muchos de los asistentes agradecieron el trabajo de DECOIN a través de esta última década y media. Una buena parte de las intervenciones dieron fe de la importancia del trabajo de concienciación, educación, y apoyo a la creación de otras organizaciones. Otros le reclamaron a la organización por no haber invitado a los cientos de otros “amigos de la DECOIN” quienes formaron parte integral de la lucha contra la minería. Carlos Zorrilla, directivo de la DECOIN, respondió a este justo reclamo diciendo que hubiera sido imposible invitar a 400 o 500 amigos para esta asamblea, pero que con la ayuda de las comunidades y organizaciones, próximamente se realizará una gran fiesta para celebrar la definitiva salida de las empresas de Intag.
Posteriormente los y las asambleístas eligieron a la nueva directiva. Carlos y Silvia fueron eligieron de nuevo como Director Ejecutivo y Presidenta por unanimidad. Sonja Dillman fue electa Secretaria/Tesorera, y Armando Almeida es el nuevo Vicepresidente de la DECOIN. Además, se procedió a elegir a dos representantes de cada Parroquia para conformar grupos de apoyo (ver más abajo)
El Padre Geovanni Paz, quien viajó expresamente desde Otavalo para apoyar la asamblea, fue electo como Asesor Vitalicio.
Después de la elección se pidió a los asambleístas que orienten el trabajo de la DECOIN para los dos próximos años. Todos estuvieron de acuerdo que era indispensable trabajar en las escuelas y colegios en educación ambiental. Muchos expresaron gran preocupación por los incendios agrícolas que azotan la zona y solicitaron que la DECOIN destine más recursos para frenar este flagelo. Otra área de trabajo apoyado por todos fue la expansión y creación de nuevas reservas hídricas comunitarias. En este tema, las presidentas de las comunidades de Río Verde y Cielo Verde expresamente solicitaron a la DECOIN que trabaje más en la zona de los Manduriacos para frenar la terrible deforestación que esta decimando los bosques que protegen sus ríos, a la vez solicitando una mano para crear bosques comunitarios en sus recintos. Los asambleístas también pidieron apoyo para frenar la contaminación, y mayor involucramiento en el manejo de desechos sólidos.
El Padre Geonvanni Paz uno de los fundadores de la DECOIN expresó su admiración por la transformación de los inteños y por la calidad humana de las personas presentes. Recontó su experiencia de los primeros días de la DECOIN, y motivó a los asambleístas a que sigan en la lucha por defender sus derechos, y señaló la importancia de seguir fortaleciendo a las organizaciones. Leyó parte de la carta ecológica del Papa, en la cual llama a tomar conciencia del desastre ambiental creado por el hombre, y la obligación de cuidar la creación. Al final, anunció que en el mes de marzo iniciará un programa de capacitación de líderes que él mismo liderará a través de la Radio Intag (inscripciones en la DECOIN, el Consorcio Toisán o la Radio Intag).
Durante el evento hubo varios números musicales a cargo de la Srta Guachagmira, quien cantó una canción para la DECOIN, acompañada en la guitarra de Luis Burbano, de la comunidad de Cerro Pelado. Después los participantes se motivados con las canciones ecológicas de Alirio Ramírez, quien contó un poco del origen de algunas de sus canciones. Willy Coronel, de Radio Intag, llamó a tomar más conciencia de la importancia de a lucha contra la minería con una hermosa canción de Atahualpa Yupanqui.
El evento cerró con un buen almuerzo acompañado por chicha y truchas provenientes de San Antonio de Cuellaje, unos de los proyectos apoyado por DECOIN.
Sin duda alguna, después de la asamblea, la DECOIN queda más fortalecida que nunca.
Parte de la lista de los integrantes de los grupos de apoyo de la Decoin
García Moreno zona alta: Marcia Ramírez, Nelly Haro y Mariano Guachagmira
Zona baja: Carmen Proaño y Piedad Mora
Peñaherrera: Pedro Bolaños y Oswaldo Armendariz
Plaza Gutiérrez: Roberto Castro y María Vaca
Apuela: Enma Garzón y Jaime Torres
Vacas Galindo: Isabel Anangonó y Ramiro García
Cuellaje: Cristian Ayala
DECOIN’s gathering this past friday (22nd Jan) at the Piscinas de Nangulví. For the report, see below. (versión en español le sigue al inglés)
On friday, January 22, at the Pisicinas de Nangulví, DECOIN held an assembly to celebrate 15 years of work and to elect a new board.
The Assembly was an extraordinary event. In all 65 friends from about 22 communities (maybe 25) and several organizations came (we had invited 60 each with a letter). It was a time to see the main people who have been working so hard to defeat the mining project. A time to remember fifteen years! of hard work, hardship, joy, defeats, and triumphs.
People got up, about a dozen or more, and publicly thanked DECOIN, and each and everyone in the room for the work done. It was very moving, even surprising (pleasantly so). Robin’s testimony brought tears to many eyes. One of the things he pointed out was that it was because of DECOIN that other organizations were able to live and grow. Others pointed out that very few organizations live to be 15. Juan Ibarra: “if it hadn’t been from DECOIN we would have been forced off our homes and communities”. Others recalled how they became involved in the struggle. Mareano: “What we have learned is that anyone who fights to defends the environment is DECOIN”. The young (and very brave) woman president from Rio Verde stood up and told us of her admiration for what we had accomplished and the level of environmental awareness in this part of Intag, and begged us to go to her area and work in environmental education so her people could be as aware. She also asked for help in conserving the forests in her area which are being rapidly decimated, and to help her create watershed and community forests reserves.
Marcia scolded us for not inviting everyone involved in the struggle (I pointed out that it would have been not less than 400 friends!, completely beyond our budget) However, we hope to, with everyone’s help, to hold a large party celebrating 13 years of the Mitsubishi bonfire and an Intag free of mining within the next few months. You are cordially invited!!
For me, and as I told everyone, I felt joy at seeing so many familiar faces I’ve seen throughout the years all in one place. What a high! I told them that when people ask me how I can stand the day-to-day and year-after-year stress related to this work, I said, “easy, each and every one of you inspires me”. They really are inspiration.
Geovanni Paz gave a wonderful talk. He recalled the first DECOIN days, remembering the hardships, the disbelief in people about our mission, the threats, the commitment of the first members. He expressed genuine awe at the transformation manifested in the people in the room (he was in Cuba for many years starting in 1997); in their ability to publicly speak, their commitment to protecting the environment and defend their rights; their environmental awareness; their eloquence! It really blew him away. He was very motivated. One of the things we committed to right then and there was to undertake a series of leadership workshops with him, starting in March (by radio at first).
Silvia went more a little bit more into detail of our work during the past 15 years with a powerpoint presentation. We also had a time line up on the wall for even more details. But even as she was enumerating all the stuff and mischief we’ve been up to, I, jose cueva and Im sure others, remembered things that we had forgotten about. Really, it was impressive the number of things we’ve accomplished as DECOIN (i hope to soon have an summary up on our site).
Next: a couple of musical breaks- one by Ceneida, Mareano’s and Piedad’s teenage daughter from Barcelona who dedicated a special song for DECOIN. What a voice!!! Then, Alirio with his fantastic anti-mining songs (big hit, several encores), and Willy Coronel with a hearth-wrenching Atahualpa Yupanqui song.
After the music, people shared ideas of where DECOIN should go in the next couple of years: The most mentioned: more community reserves (and expand current ones)., followed by more reforestation, much more environmental education with kids but also adults (more work to prevent forest fires); more work to avoid deforestation; promote tourism more; keep supporting the transportation of high-school students; importance of supporting the solidarity store in Otavalo to sell cabuya and other products (Casa de Intag); reduction of, and training in pesticide use; leadership training; more productive alternative projects; work more in solid waste management (prevention of contamination); special request for Decoin to get more involved in the Manduriacos area; need to work more with the local media; more work on the political sphere(!). There were a few more that I can’t recall right now, but you get the idea. All of these ideas came from the community representatives. Most things we do anyway, others we’ve been wanting to do for a long time. About time then!
We finished by electing DECOIN’s new board members: Neither Silvia or I could get out of being reelected (by unanimous vote),,, but we added Sonja Dillmann as Secretary/Treasurer, and Armando Almeida as Vice President. Then we all elected two people from each Parroquia (4 from Garcia Moreno) to make up the expanded Board (called support groups). Including Geovanni Paz, who was chosen as Permanent Consultant, the expanded board is now composed of 21 members. I’m guessing that most of the time the central board will meet, but hope the expanded board can meet not less than 4-5 times per year. I’m also hoping that in the future the support groups will play an active role in Decoin’s work.
Then, lunch served with trout from the San Antonio community (one of the projects we supported)and Naranjilla Chicha.
A very, very special event.
Oh, one more thing. It could hardly be clearer that THERE WILL BE NO MINING IN INTAG. Not with the kind of folks that accompanied us at the Assembly. Their energy will be needed if the government goes ahead with the plans of exploring in Junin via the newly created state-owned mining company. For now it will be difficult because the company has not money, but that can quickly change. MORE ON THIS IN MY NEXT BLOG
En el complejo turístico de Nangulví, y con la participación de 65 personas de aproximadamente 23 comunidades y varias organizaciones, este viernes, 22 de enero la DECOIN llevó a cabo su asamblea para, no solo renovar la directiva, sino para celebrar 15 años de vida de la organización ambientalista.

Silvia Quilumbango, presidenta de la DECOIN, se encargó de dar la bienvenida a los y las participantes de las comunidades, algunos de los cuales iniciaron su viaje temprano en la madrugada. Christian Paz moderó el evento, el cual continuó con un recuento por Silvia Quilumbango de algunas de las actividades y logros realizados por la DECOIN. Pero el tiempo fue demasiado corto para enumerar las cientos de acciones que la organización ha realizado a favor de la conservación de los recursos naturales de la zona (ver a continuación).
La asamblea estuvo contagiada de emoción y alegría. Muchos de los asistentes agradecieron el trabajo de DECOIN a través de esta última década y media. Una buena parte de las intervenciones dieron fe de la importancia del trabajo de concienciación, educación, y apoyo a la creación de otras organizaciones. Otros le reclamaron a la organización por no haber invitado a los cientos de otros “amigos de la DECOIN” quienes formaron parte integral de la lucha contra la minería. Carlos Zorrilla, directivo de la DECOIN, respondió a este justo reclamo diciendo que hubiera sido imposible invitar a 400 o 500 amigos para esta asamblea, pero que con la ayuda de las comunidades y organizaciones, próximamente se realizará una gran fiesta para celebrar la definitiva salida de las empresas de Intag.
Posteriormente los y las asambleístas eligieron a la nueva directiva. Carlos y Silvia fueron eligieron de nuevo como Director Ejecutivo y Presidenta por unanimidad. Sonja Dillman fue electa Secretaria/Tesorera, y Armando Almeida es el nuevo Vicepresidente de la DECOIN. Además, se procedió a elegir a dos representantes de cada Parroquia para conformar grupos de apoyo (ver más abajo)
El Padre Geovanni Paz, quien viajó expresamente desde Otavalo para apoyar la asamblea, fue electo como Asesor Vitalicio.
Después de la elección se pidió a los asambleístas que orienten el trabajo de la DECOIN para los dos próximos años. Todos estuvieron de acuerdo que era indispensable trabajar en las escuelas y colegios en educación ambiental. Muchos expresaron gran preocupación por los incendios agrícolas que azotan la zona y solicitaron que la DECOIN destine más recursos para frenar este flagelo. Otra área de trabajo apoyado por todos fue la expansión y creación de nuevas reservas hídricas comunitarias. En este tema, las presidentas de las comunidades de Río Verde y Cielo Verde expresamente solicitaron a la DECOIN que trabaje más en la zona de los Manduriacos para frenar la terrible deforestación que esta decimando los bosques que protegen sus ríos, a la vez solicitando una mano para crear bosques comunitarios en sus recintos. Los asambleístas también pidieron apoyo para frenar la contaminación, y mayor involucramiento en el manejo de desechos sólidos.
El Padre Geonvanni Paz uno de los fundadores de la DECOIN expresó su admiración por la transformación de los inteños y por la calidad humana de las personas presentes. Recontó su experiencia de los primeros días de la DECOIN, y motivó a los asambleístas a que sigan en la lucha por defender sus derechos, y señaló la importancia de seguir fortaleciendo a las organizaciones. Leyó parte de la carta ecológica del Papa, en la cual llama a tomar conciencia del desastre ambiental creado por el hombre, y la obligación de cuidar la creación. Al final, anunció que en el mes de marzo iniciará un programa de capacitación de líderes que él mismo liderará a través de la Radio Intag (inscripciones en la DECOIN, el Consorcio Toisán o la Radio Intag).
Durante el evento hubo varios números musicales a cargo de la Srta Guachagmira, quien cantó una canción para la DECOIN, acompañada en la guitarra de Luis Burbano, de la comunidad de Cerro Pelado. Después los participantes se motivados con las canciones ecológicas de Alirio Ramírez, quien contó un poco del origen de algunas de sus canciones. Willy Coronel, de Radio Intag, llamó a tomar más conciencia de la importancia de a lucha contra la minería con una hermosa canción de Atahualpa Yupanqui.
El evento cerró con un buen almuerzo acompañado por chicha y truchas provenientes de San Antonio de Cuellaje, unos de los proyectos apoyado por DECOIN.
Sin duda alguna, después de la asamblea, la DECOIN queda más fortalecida que nunca.
Parte de la lista de los integrantes de los grupos de apoyo de la Decoin
García Moreno zona alta: Marcia Ramírez, Nelly Haro y Mariano Guachagmira
Zona baja: Carmen Proaño y Piedad Mora
Peñaherrera: Pedro Bolaños y Oswaldo Armendariz
Plaza Gutiérrez: Roberto Castro y María Vaca
Apuela: Enma Garzón y Jaime Torres
Vacas Galindo: Isabel Anangonó y Ramiro García
Cuellaje: Cristian Ayala