Month: February 2012

Quick update, 12 February: Responsible Mining in Action

The most recent news to report is that CODELCO and its partner  are still happily and illegally- drilling away in the Mandariyacos concession..  The government has paid no attention at all to a letter sent by the Parish government asking work be stopped until all the irregularities surrounding the concession be investigated. The letter was […]

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TWO moving letterS of solidarity from Germany/ DOS CartaS de solidaridad de Alemania

THANK YOU To The authorities of the Canton Cotacachi and Intag The communities and social organisations in the region Organisations representing women, artisans, peasants All residents of Intag In Solidarity February 6, 2012 Our organisation, Rainforest Rescue, has been observing the community empowerment process in the Intag region since 1998. Over the years, people organised […]

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