Month: May 2022

Una historia de dos ranas, seis empresas mineras y mucho, mucho más

carlos zorrilla A simple vista, es fácil tener la impresión de que se trata de una lucha de dos ranas en peligro crítico de extinción contra un proyecto minero de cobre transnacional masivo. En parte, tendrías razón. Pero es mucho más que eso. Se podría decir que todo comenzó en la década de 1980 cuando una expedición […]

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A tale of two frogs, six mining companies and much, much more

Carlos Zorrilla From the outside looking in, it’s easy to get the impression that it’s a black-and-white struggle of two critically endangered frogs versus a massive transnational copper mining project. In part, you’d be right. But it’s much more than that. It could be said that it all started in the 1980’s when a Belgian-government […]

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The dirty truth about clean energy

Everyone knows what needs to be done to bring down CO2 levels; pump less of it into the atmosphere. But instead of reducing overall energy consumption, the focus is on increasing ‘green’ energy consumption: electric vehicles, massive electric storage installations, …

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