
Biodiversidad Cdelco Codelco Codelco, Copper, Intag, Biodiversity Ecuador Energy transition Impacts of energy transition Intag Minería de Cobre Minería y Biodiversidad Mining and Biodiversity Resistencia a la minería

Exitoso Foro Intag Santuario de Vida

Algunas imágenes del Foro sobre la Declaratoria de Intag Santuario de Vida realizado en la Universidad Católica del Ecuador, sede Ibarra, el 11 de diciembre, Día Internacional de las Montañas. El principal objetivo fue informar al público sobre la declaratoria de la zona de Intag como Santuario de Vida, declarado el 23 de octubre del […]

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Codelco, Copper, Intag, Biodiversity Ecuador Impacts of mining Intag Mining Uncategorized


I. Antes de continuar, un breve, y parcial resumen de los hechos y logros desde la última actualización 2017: La Decoin fue premiada por las Naciones Unidas con el Premio Ecuatorial 2017 por nuestro trabajo en favor de la conservación y apoyo al desarrollo sustentable. Es el premio más importante del mundo que se otorga […]

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Biodiversity Cloud forest Codelco, Copper, Intag, Biodiversity Decoin Endangered species Impacts of mining Intag Llurimagua


For nearly 30 years, communities have worked to conserve, restore and defend the cloud forests of the Intag Valley in Ecuador, in what locals say is the longest continuous resistance movement against mining in Latin America.
The tropical Andes are considered the world’s most biodiverse hotspot, ranking first in plant, bird, mammal and amphibian diversity; however, less than 15% of Ecuador’s original cloud forests and only 4% of all forests in northwestern Ecuador remain.
Codelco, the world’s largest copper producer, plans to open a mine in the Intag Valley that would destroy primary forest and lie within the buffer area of Cotacachi Cayapas Ecological Reserve — a plan that experts say would be ecologically devastating and not worth the cost.
Communities are using the presence of two threatened frog species — previously thought to be extinct — at the mining site to challenge the project under the “rights of nature,” Ecuador’s constitutional guarantee that natural ecosystems have the right to exist, thrive, and evolve.

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Codelco, Copper, Intag, Biodiversity Ecuador Intag Mining

Comisión de biodiversidad fiscalizará a sectores minero, petrolero, hidrocarburos e hidroeléctricas en Ecuador

Comunicado de Prensa Bnamericas Publicado: lunes, 20 septiembre, 2021 Comunidad Asamblea Nacional Con ocho votos, la Comisión de Biodiversidad resolvió iniciar el proceso de fiscalización a los sectores estratégicos y la regularización ambiental a todo tipo de minería en Ecuador; el seguimiento y control de concesiones mineras y plantas de beneficios; así como, en los […]

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Biodiversity Cloud forest Impacts of mining Intag Mining

Ecuador’s Ecuador’s Problematic Llurimagua Mining Project

Now that the international arbitration requested by the Chilean mining giant Codelco against the Ecuador is attracting worldwide attention, it feels like the right time to inform the public a little bit about what is behind the arbitration, and call the press for such shoddy reporting on this mining project

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BHP Biodiversity Climate crisis Cloud forest Codelco, Copper, Intag, Biodiversity Copper Ecuador Endangered species Impacts of mining Intag Pandemia

When I think of the copper laying below Intag’s forests

When I think of the copper laying beneath Intag’s cloud forests the last thing I think about is clean energy for the poor of our planet. I know better.  Rather, I think of death. I think of contamination of pristine rivers and streams with arsenic and lead that will last a thousand years. Of acid […]

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Biodiversity Copper Decoin Ecuador Impacts of mining Intag Mining


Copper mine would deforest thousand of hectares of primary forest that are home to hundreds of species in danger of extinction, contaminate rivers and streams with heavy metals, and relocate hundreds of families from four to six communities(1). An American expert concluded that it is the most dangerous mine he has ever evaluated in his years as a consultant.(2)

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