- Carlos Zorrilla
- January 25, 2025
- biodiversidad
- cobre
- Codelco
- Ecuador
- Intag
- Minería
- Mining and Biodiversity
Intag, incluyendo la concesión minera Llurimagua, donde opera la CODELCO, fue declarada Santuario de Vida unánimemente por el gobierno autónomo de Cotacachi en octubre del 2024. Una de las disposiciones es que se reviertan las concesiones mineras al estado. Por algo es Santuario de Vida Dentro de las 4,900 hectáreas de la concesión minera se […]
- Carlos Zorrilla
- January 10, 2023
- Codelco
- Decoin
- Intag
- Llurimagua
For nearly 30 years, communities have worked to conserve, restore and defend the cloud forests of the Intag Valley in Ecuador, in what locals say is the longest continuous resistance movement against mining in Latin America.
The tropical Andes are considered the world’s most biodiverse hotspot, ranking first in plant, bird, mammal and amphibian diversity; however, less than 15% of Ecuador’s original cloud forests and only 4% of all forests in northwestern Ecuador remain.
Codelco, the world’s largest copper producer, plans to open a mine in the Intag Valley that would destroy primary forest and lie within the buffer area of Cotacachi Cayapas Ecological Reserve — a plan that experts say would be ecologically devastating and not worth the cost.
Communities are using the presence of two threatened frog species — previously thought to be extinct — at the mining site to challenge the project under the “rights of nature,” Ecuador’s constitutional guarantee that natural ecosystems have the right to exist, thrive, and evolve.
Twenty-four reasons why Codelco shouldn’t mess with Llurimagua’s Intag mining project
- Carlos Zorrilla
- June 14, 2022
- Arbitration
- Ciadi
- Codelco
- Copper
- court
- Ecuador
- Intag
- Junin
- Llurimagua
- mining
- Rights of Nature
Carlos Zorrilla updated March 2023) UPDATE MARCH 29, 2023: AFTER NEARLY 3 DECADES OF STRUGGLE, INTAG COMMUNITIES WIN! #25!! The Imbabura Provincial Court finally agreed with the communities and ruled against the Llurimagua mining project, revoking the environmental license and ordering a total cessation of all mining activity within the mining concession. The ruling was […]
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