- Carlos Zorrilla
- January 25, 2025
- biodiversidad
- cobre
- Codelco
- Ecuador
- Intag
- Minería
- Mining and Biodiversity
Intag, incluyendo la concesión minera Llurimagua, donde opera la CODELCO, fue declarada Santuario de Vida unánimemente por el gobierno autónomo de Cotacachi en octubre del 2024. Una de las disposiciones es que se reviertan las concesiones mineras al estado. Por algo es Santuario de Vida Dentro de las 4,900 hectáreas de la concesión minera se […]
I. Antes de continuar, un breve, y parcial resumen de los hechos y logros desde la última actualización 2017: La Decoin fue premiada por las Naciones Unidas con el Premio Ecuatorial 2017 por nuestro trabajo en favor de la conservación y apoyo al desarrollo sustentable. Es el premio más importante del mundo que se otorga […]
Read MoreA tale of two frogs, six mining companies and much, much more
Carlos Zorrilla From the outside looking in, it’s easy to get the impression that it’s a black-and-white struggle of two critically endangered frogs versus a massive transnational copper mining project. In part, you’d be right. But it’s much more than that. It could be said that it all started in the 1980’s when a Belgian-government […]
Read MoreWhen I think of the copper laying below Intag’s forests
When I think of the copper laying beneath Intag’s cloud forests the last thing I think about is clean energy for the poor of our planet. I know better. Rather, I think of death. I think of contamination of pristine rivers and streams with arsenic and lead that will last a thousand years. Of acid […]
Read MoreEcuador in Times of Pandemic
The government and companies are abusing the crisis to advance their lethal agendas. Carlos Zorrilla It’s been a while since I’ve wanted to write this. And, it’s not like I hadn’t found the time. For the first few weeks after the outbreak, practically everything came to a halt in Ecuador; including many mining operations. As […]
Read MoreWhy is BHP Running Away from Public Meetings in Ecuador?
- Carlos Zorrilla
- December 14, 2019
- Decoin
- Ecuador
- Intag
- mining
- Mining and Biodiversity
Because of their cowardice we may never know That was one of the questions I had in mind to ask the representative from the most powerful mining company in the world when they were invited to enlighten the room packed with locals from the small farming community of Cazarpamba about the company’s mining project. The […]
Read MorePreventing a Capital Environmental Crime
The Confusing Rocket Frog and Intag’s Future Carlos Zorrilla To the human eye, the mostly dark-green Confusing Rocket Frog is not as attractive as the Harlequin Longnose Frog. Both amphibians are found in a patch of forest in Ecuador’s Intag region and nowhere else on the planet. The Harlequin’s discovery in 2016 was amazing enough, […]
Read MoreDecoin’s work, 2019
Twenty-One Reasons Why not to Mine in Ecuador’s Intag Forests DECOIN has been actively working with communities since 1995 to stop large-scale mining development in Ecuador’s northwestern region. We are a grass-roots environmental organization, whose members live and work in the area we are trying to protect. For our work to keep Intag free of […]
Read MoreThe Role BMW May Play in Creating a World-Class Environmental Disaster in Ecuador
There is a rush these days to gain access to copper deposit and other key minerals driven by the expected increase in electric vehicle usage world wide.. That may sound like good news for the composition of the atmosphere, but it will spell doom to other parts of the biosphere, including its biodiviersity, forests, rivers, as well as trampling human rights.
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